Cristina La Moneda Reported Speech 1 REPORTED SPEECH USE Reported speech is used to retell or report what other person has actually said. It is a very usual function in everyday language. STRUCTURE Formal aspects We can find different ways of expressing the Direct Speech: - John said: “It is quite hot today”. - „It is quite hot today
Descarga nuestra reported speech 2 bachillerato pdf ejercicios resueltos Libros electrónicos gratis y aprende más sobre reported speech 2 bachillerato pdf ejercicios resueltos. Estos libros contienen ejercicios y tutoriales para mejorar sus habilidades prácticas, en todos los niveles! La forma más fácil de aprender REPORTED SPEECH - YouTube Jun 02, 2015 · Este tema causa un poco de confusión en muchos estudiantes. Aprenda cómo utilizar correctamente el REPORTED SPEECH. Reported speech (orders, petitions, suggestions). Aprende ... Mar 27, 2016 · En este segundo vídeo del estilo indirecto vamos a ver como funcionan las órdenes, peticiones y sugerencias. Si te gusta dale a like y suscríbete. También … 4º ESO: Reported Speech. Exercises with answer key ...
Choose the correct reporting verb from this list and finish the reported speech for each example. Told Said Advised Warned, Suggested Asked Offered Ordered. 1. Page 1. 1. REPHRASING. 1. She started drinking too much alcohol two years ago. - She has. 2. I don't have a (Reported Speech). - The policeman said that 14 Oct 2015 En este video te explicaremos cuales son las reglas a tener en cuenta cuando usamos el REPORTED SPEECH en Inglés para contarle a REPORTED SPEECH 1. Present Simple direct reported. Sam said, “I feel hungry. ” Sam said (that) he felt hungry. ○ Write the sentences using reported speech. Questão 1. Preencha os espaços em branco com o tempo verbal correto: Exemplo: “I saw her” → He said the he had seen him. a) “There is a butterfly in my (The students may notice that verb tenses change in reported speech. The general rule is that reported speech “backs up” one verb tense. This will be explained in 1º de Bachillerato - REPORTED SPEECH
Reported Speech ejercicios - Reported Speech 1. Your teacher has given you these orders. Rewrite them in reported speech. 1. You must do your homework every day! 2. Could you please bring your textbooks to school every day? 3. You mustn´t eat in class! 4. Please, don´t be late for school. 5. Can you give this letter to your parents, please? 6. You must be quiet in class!. 7. Estilo indirecto en inglés - Ejercicio PDF - Ejercicios ... Descripción: Descargas Ejercicios Estilo Indirecto en inglés en PDF. En la siguiente entrada puedes acceder a las descargas de los ejercicios relacionados en el ESTILO INDIRECTO de nuestra web. Dividimos los archivos PDF en dos secciones, por en lado los ejercicios y a continuación sus soluciones. Reported Speech Exercise 1 - Perfect English Grammar
REPORTED SPEECH EXERCISES + KEY (2º BACHILLERATO) REPORTED SPEECH EXERCISES + KEY (2º BACHILLERATO) Exercise 1. REPORTED SPEECH - Change the following sentences into Reported or Direct Speech. Exercise 1. REPORTED SPEECH - Change the following sentences into Reported or Direct Speech. REPORTED SPEECH EXERCISES + KEY (2º BACHILLERATO) EASTER HOT CROSS BUNS marzo (2) febrero (2) 1º C BACHILLERATO - blogdeinglés 1º C BACHILLERATO. 3º C CFGS. Prueba de Acceso a Grado Superior. Mapa del sitio. 1º C BACHILLERATO. new . reported speech III.pdf (134k) Elena MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, 7 jun. 2013 1:39. v.1. Reported Statements Mixed Exercise
May 08, 2019 · ¡Descárgatelo en formato PDF poniendo tu correo electrónico! {{ downloadEmailSaved }} Tu correo electrónico. Tu correo electrónico no es válido. Descargar. Reported speech with modals. Reported speech and direct speech. Passive voice. Ejercicios interactivos. Exercises: question tags.
Reported Speech: online worksheet and pdf