Coaching For Performance by John Whitmore - Internet Archive
John Whitmore es considerado el padre del coaching moderno desde que en 1992 publicó el libro Coaching for Performance, todo un bestseller traducido a 23 idiomas. Este trabajo supuso el nacimiento y desarrollo de la industria del coaching en todo el mundo, por lo que ha sido reconocido y premiado por diversas instituciones. The GROW Coaching Model THE GROW COACHING MODEL The GROW model was developed some thirty years ago by the late Sir John Whitmore, with his colleagues. It was publicised through his book ‘Coaching for Performance’ and, since the book has been translated into 19 languages, GROW has become the most prevalent coaching model in the world today. EL RENDIMIENTO DE LAS PERSONAS clásica de John Whitmore coincide con lo que he estado descubriendo dentro de mi propia práctica y experiencia de coaching. Al reunir la simplicidad del proceso de coaching y la visión más amplia de esta profesión de una manera legible y atractiva, este libro anticipa la evolución necesaria que espera el mundo de la empresa y del coaching.» Coaching for Performance Fifth Edition: The ...
«Una lectura indispensable para todo coach que aspire a hacer un buen trabajo con sus clientes. Esta nueva edición, largamente esperada, de la obra. Alma de Coaching. El ego del Coach. El Coaching es trabajar desde el amor, con y por el otro. John. Whitmore. Entrevista. El reto del líder. “El coach ofrece es Sir John Whitmore and Performance Consultants wisely reveal how to use coaching to close that gap between what is only tolerable and what is possible in both A Conversation with Sir John Whitmore. Interview Conducted by Agnes Mura. This article first appeared in the International Journal of Coaching in Organizations 26 Ene 2017 Un libro escrito por John Whitmore, que presenta un método para mejorar el rendimiento de las personas. In his book, “Coaching for Performance”, Sir John Whitmore promotes the principle that we are like an ACORN, “…which contains within it all the potential to be a
(PDF) Libro de Coaching - John Whitmore | Soy andres ... El coaching se centra en las posibilidades del futuro, no en los errores del pasado Full text of "Coaching For Performance by John Whitmore" Full text of "Coaching For Performance by John Whitmore" See other formats Sir John Whitmore's Coaching for Performance Book 5th ... In this Fifth Edition of Coaching for Performance, Sir John Whitmore and Performance Consultants shine a light on what it takes to create high performance and unpick the myths around coaching. Leaders and employees the world over are truly fortunate to benefit from their enduring impact on our working lives. Resumen del libro 'Coaching', de John Whitmore
Alma de Coaching. El ego del Coach. El Coaching es trabajar desde el amor, con y por el otro. John. Whitmore. Entrevista. El reto del líder. “El coach ofrece es Sir John Whitmore and Performance Consultants wisely reveal how to use coaching to close that gap between what is only tolerable and what is possible in both A Conversation with Sir John Whitmore. Interview Conducted by Agnes Mura. This article first appeared in the International Journal of Coaching in Organizations 26 Ene 2017 Un libro escrito por John Whitmore, que presenta un método para mejorar el rendimiento de las personas. In his book, “Coaching for Performance”, Sir John Whitmore promotes the principle that we are like an ACORN, “…which contains within it all the potential to be a Nella pratica del coaching è fondamentale che l'allievo — visto che così abbiamo deciso di chiamarlo — ottenga dalla sessione i risultati desiderati. Un coach
Coaching For Performance: Growing... book by John Whitmore